Frontiers Conference at the University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh researchers play a leading role in a White House conference, co-hosted by Pitt and Carnegie Mellon, on the future of innovation.

Pitt, CMU to Host White House Frontiers Conference

Obama in Pittsburgh

On Thursday, President Barack Obama will convene the White House Frontiers Conference, an event hosted by the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. The day-long sessions will focus on expanding the nation and the world's capacity in science, technology, and innovation. The conference will explore the new frontiers of innovation in the United States and globally through discussions about new technologies like artificial intelligence, neural interface prosthetics, as well as challenges and goals that these technologies face and hope to achieve.

Speakers include students, faculty, and researchers from the University of Pittsburgh:

Dr. Alexis Chidi, a student in the Medical Scientist Training program of the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. She’ll introduce President Obama when he makes his remarks at the plenary session.

Michael Boninger, MD, a professor and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) endowed vice chair for research in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Medicine. Dr. Boninger will discuss brain computer interfaces for assistive technology.

Nancy E. Davidson, MD, Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and an internationally recognized physician-scientist in cancer biology and treatment, will present about turning research into improved care as part of the larger discussion into the future that’s possible.

Dr. Andrew Schwartz, distinguished pprofessor of neurobiology and director of the University's Rehab Neural Engineering Labs, will demo his research into using neural signals from electrodes in the brain to control a lifelike robotic arm.

Chancellor Patrick Gallagher, chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh, will provide remarks at the main plenary session focused on exploring innovations that hold the potential to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges and keep America on the cutting edge

Check back for more information or visit the White House Frontiers Conference website.